I’m a Blogger

I guess you could say, it’s about time for me to start blogging. Well actually, I have been blogging earlier too, on Blogger, WordPress.com, Live Spaces and all kinds of other platforms. But now I’ve started my own blog with my own domain, mikaberglund.com. I’ll be building this into my online CV where you’ll find everything you need to know about me, professionally.
Sharing is Caring
For the last couple of years I’ve tried to be more active in sharing my knowledge of Microsoft Azure and Office 365. The main channels so far have been my Youtube channel and on my Github profile, where I’ve published a handful of tutorials in the form of written documentation and source code. The latest tutorial demonstrates how to leverage Dependency Injection (DI) in configuring your Azure Functions application. I also share a lot of my thoughts on Twitter and LinkedIn. My Youtube channel has gone a bit passive, but I will try to pick up the pace again.
In addition, I’m also hosting an Office 365 webinar series for my employer, occasionally speaking at or attending various events, like the upcoming Projektipäivät (Project Days) at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, which I would like to write about, and a whole lot more.
Putting it All Together
So I’ve come to a point where I feel that I need a single place where I can collect everything about what I do for a living. I will focus on the things that I work with professionally. Occasionally I will write about something else too, if I feel strongly about it.
I guess I will be sticking to shorter than the average blog post, but way longer than a single Tweet. I think that there is so much noise in blog posts these days. It often feels like authors tend to write pages and pages with introduction, just to get to the part that they are actually blogging about.
Happy reading!