Azure AD
From Azure AD B2C to Microsoft Entra External ID
Are working with Azure AD B2C? Then you need to learn about Microsoft Entra External ID, the next generation of CIAM solutions from Microsoft.
Are working with Azure AD B2C? Then you need to learn about Microsoft Entra External ID, the next generation of CIAM solutions from Microsoft.
Avoid these Durable Functions pitfalls to effectively leverage the Durable Functions extension to Azure Functions.
I was working on an Azure Functions application to create a REST API that accepts bearer tokens. When I fired up the app in Visual Studio, I was greeted with the following error message. Could Read more…
Describes how Blazorade MSAL help you implement Blazor authentication in applications that access APIs protected with JWT access tokens.
Did you know that with Azure DevOps, you can start your project already during the sales phase with the help of Boards and Excel integration.