Azure AD
From Azure AD B2C to Microsoft Entra External ID
Are working with Azure AD B2C? Then you need to learn about Microsoft Entra External ID, the next generation of CIAM solutions from Microsoft.
Are working with Azure AD B2C? Then you need to learn about Microsoft Entra External ID, the next generation of CIAM solutions from Microsoft.
I was invited to a community call to demonstrate how you can build Microsoft Teams apps with Blazor. This article is the script for that demo.
Blazorade Teams is a component library for Blazor applications that gives you the easiest way to build s Microsoft Teams tab app in Blazor.
Learn how to write a Microsoft Teams app with Blazor (Server or WebAssembly) that leverages the benefits of Blazor as much as possible.
In this article you’ll read about how application permissions to Microsoft Graph can affect your application in quite an unexpected way.