Durable Entities
Durable Entities Enable Shared State Across Orchestration Instances
Durable Entities is a feature of Durable Functions in Azure Functions applications. They allow you to share data across many orchestration instances.
Durable Entities is a feature of Durable Functions in Azure Functions applications. They allow you to share data across many orchestration instances.
This article shows you how you can create custom policies for Azure AD B2C that call a REST API to get additional claims to include in tokens.
This article shows you how you can use Azure Functions to create a REST API with custom permissions that you grant to client applications calling your API.
In this article you’ll read about how application permissions to Microsoft Graph can affect your application in quite an unexpected way.
Olen puhumassa Microsoft 365 HPR seminaarissa toukokuussa 2020. Tämä artikkeli on tiivistelmä puheenvuorostani, avuksi sinulle kun pohdit osallistumistasi.